I've decided to create a list of 101 things to accomplish in 1001 days. Some are easy tasks; others will require some planning and strategy.
A friend suggested that I create this list, and I'm treating it as my pathway to self exploration. To discover my likes/dislikes, learn some things about myself, and hopefully make some lasting memories along the way.
I consider myself a very independent person, and with all I've experienced over the last year, there is no better time than now to start checking items off of my so-called "bucket list". I plan to document each task I complete with this blog and by taking photographs. Hopefully this will pave my way to a book deal, reality show, or stardom of some sort. I plan to do big things, that’s how I roll.
One, two, three, LETS DO THIS! Game on...
1. Do something illegal - 10/8/11 (formerly Visit Greece, still might happen, based on $)
2. Start writing more (formerly Invent something) DONE
3. Ride in a hot air balloon
4. Go on a booze cruise (formerly a regular cruise)
5. Run a half marathon - 4/29/2012
6. Take a photography class
7. Fall in love (for real) DONE
8. Read 5 books DONE
9. Swim in a fountain (formerly Visit North Dakota, still might happen, based on $)
10. Wine tasting in Napa
11. Go fishing DONE
12. Bike in the Tour De Cure 6/10/2012
13. Volunteer at an animal shelter (and not leave with a new pet)
14. Try filet mignon - 10/7/11
15. Edgewalk the CN Tower
16. Be in the best shape of my life when I turn 30 )formerly Get a 6 pack (abs))
17. Try sushi (non vegetarian)- 11/16/11
18. Drive a boat DONE
19. Go to Medieval Times - 10/8/11
20. Parasail
21. Snorkeling
22. Learn to drive a car with a manual transmission
23. Ride a vespa
24. Learn to speak another language (besides Spanish)
25. Golden Wishes (formerly volunteer with mentally disabled children) 4/18/2012
26. Pick up food from my biological father's restaurant (incognito)
27. Donate blood DONE
28. Get over the wake and back (both sides) on a wakeboard DONE
29. Ice skating in Manhattan Square Park
30. Bike ride through Ithaca
31. Eat at Moosewood Lodge in Ithaca
32. Shoot a gun
33. Watch every season of How I Met Your Mother from start to finish
34. Kiss someone at midnight on New Years DONE
35. Buy a vintage designer bag
36. Kayak - 8/21/11
37. Write a letter to the editor DONE
38. Start a new family tradition DONE
39. Create a cocktail named after myself (Possibly call it Auntie Yiss Juice)
40. Eat at In and Out Burger
41. Have a water balloon war
42. Make carrot cake from scratch - 3/13/12
43. Stop texting for 24 hours straight
44. Learn to juggle
45. Go to a pub trivia night DONE
46. Do an anonymous favor or "pay it forward" DONE
47. Buy a hammock and use it DONE
48. Visit Corning Museum of Glass (Formerly Watch the sunrise and sunset same day)
49. Drink beer at noon on Tuesday in a bar that faces a giant car wash (props to Sheryl Crow)
50. Take a hula hoop class 1/12/12
51. Change a baby's diaper 12/25/11
52. Knit a scarf FAILED
53. Create a secret handshake
54. Sleep under the stars
55. Host a slumber party
56. Food Challenge (Formerly Lasik)
57. Go on a picnic 8/30/11
58. Learn CPR
59. Learn to change a tire
60. Make homemade pickles DONE
61. Do 10 complete pushups
62. Visit a rumored to be haunted place
63. Attend a country music concert
64. Pay the bill for someone behind me in the drive thru line
65. Swim across Cranberry Pond
66. Ride a public bus
67. Have my palm read, psychic DONE
68. Build a sandcastle
69. Go on a road trip without a preset destination
70. Batting cages
71. Swim with dolphins
72. Take a pottery class
73. Paintball
74. Indoor rock climbing
75. Visit Rochester Museum and Science Center (Formerly Visit British Columbia)
76. Visit Seattle
77. Take a cooking class DONE
78. Haunted Hayride (Formerly Get The Divas 500 fans) 10/28/11
79. Eat a single order of Laughran's wings - HOT
80. Write a message in a public bathroom (Formerly Finish a crossword puzzle)
81. Watch the entire Band of Brothers miniseries at the cottage
82. Make Aunt Jill's bolognese sauce 12/23/11
83. Host a full dinner party
84. Run on the beach 11/25/11
85. Paddleboat
86. Redo bathroom
87. Move up gate in driveway DONE
88. Attend a concert in Central Park
89. Attend the Irish Fest 9/10/11
90. Plant a tree
91. Take pictures at Mount Hope Cemetery DONE
92. Build a fire 8/20/11
93. Have Margarita Monday - make them from scratch
94. Spray tan
95. Make wine
96. Berry picking DONE
97. Attend the Strong Museum of Play 1/15/12
98. Attend the planetarium
99. Visit all of the Finger Lakes (Otisco, Skaneateles, Owasco, Cayuga, Seneca, Keuka, Canandaigua, Honeoye, Canadice, Hemlock, Consesus)
100. Inspire someone to create a 101 in 1001 list of their own 9/1/11
101. Take pictures and create a photo album of each task I complete along the way