Since kissing someone at midnight on New Year's was a giant FAIL for the Lys List start of 2012, I decided something needed to be knocked off of the list ASAP. Divas Renee, Shirley and I had purchased an online deal for three hula hoop classes in 2011 and decided to give it a shot.
Class size was limited, about 10 of us total. Everyone had their own hoop except for the three of us. I felt out of place, I like to be prepared. I felt like I had forgotten my number two pencils, perfectly sharpened for finals! We expressed to the rest of the class that this was our "first time", hooping virgins if you will. Everyone assured us that we'd catch on quickly.
The instructor rolls up, with swim trunks on, a polo shirt, and those god awful toe shoes, I guess he missed the memo on proper workout attire. He explained that hula hooping is an excellent core workout. Now, I'm not toned in my midsection by ANY means, but the class claimed they were above beginners, and, well, they certainly weren't "fit". I'm rambling here, but my point is, I didn't have high hopes for this workout.
We caught on quick, three much uncoordinated Divas mastered beginner hooping. Ok, mastered is a little cocky, let's just say we conquered Lys List #50 and we're done here. We may use the other two class vouchers at a different location.
Moral of the story, I can semi hula hoop, but I won't be busting out full body hooping moves at the next Grassroots Festival.