Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Attempt at being a little risky = FAIL

Yesterday I began the countdown for completing my 101 in 1001 list. With item number 17 being "Try Sushi (non vegetarian)", I thought I should ease into this and attempt to eat seafood and like it. Baby steps... My mom suggested at Bistro 135 that I try the seabass she ordered. She assured me it was buttery and mild in flavor. I take my mom's word on everything, she knows best. Thinking that I have matured since the days when I would spit food into a napkin and flush it down the toilet, I accepted the challenge and went for the bite. I'm not even sure I could taste the flavor of seabass, because instantly I began gagging, almost convulsing, and my sad attempt to swallow led me to spit the fish into a cloth napkin. I felt like I was 8 years old again. I honestly think I have a mental illness when it comes to eating seafood. All I could taste was the ocean. I like expensive things, so I was almost positive I'd like the taste of seabass over tilapia. I was wrong. I plan to give seabass another go, sans gag attack...

1 comment:

  1. Believe it or not I would suggest trying eel. It kind of tastes like BBQ chicken instead of fish... Just don't think eel when you eat it because they look like sea slugs.
